Shari's Travel Log

"Since life is short and the world is wide the sooner you start exploring it the better." Simon Raven

Indian Removal Map

Indian Removal Map

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lots of Shoes...

Of all the things I pack for my travels, I give the most thought to my shoes. Why? Because you have to by picky. You have to be prepared for the terrain but you also don't want to be dragged down by the weight of too many shoes.

These are my first pair of Danskos my daughter, Anna, gave to me as a gift. I'm so happy my daughters have more style sense than I do!

Definite packers: Chacos, Danskos & flip flops

Definite "Maybes": Running shoes

Occasionally: Hiking boots, flippers for snorkeling

Forrest Gump ~ Momma's Wisdom about shoes. (Listen)

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